
Adventure time ice king voice actor
Adventure time ice king voice actor

adventure time ice king voice actor

An old, blue-skinned man with a magic crown and a mean streak, he spent most of his time flying around the Land of Ooo trying to kidnap one of the other main characters, Candy Kingdom ruler Princess Bubblegum - or failing that, any of the many, many other princesses in the show’s world. When the show began in 2010, Ice King was a comically exaggerated kids’ TV antagonist. But Adventure Time’s best character was the one who seemingly had the least depth, at least at first: Ice King.

adventure time ice king voice actor

Episodes focused on everyone from the too-cool Marceline the Vampire Queen and the scientifically gifted, ethically confused Princess Bubblegum, to largely one-off goof characters, like aspiring mystery writer Root Beer Guy and unlucky criminal Princess Cookies. The Cartoon Network show - which airs its final episode Monday night - got a lot of mileage out of its central duo of Finn and Jake, of course, but one of its central strengths was the way that it didn’t really need them to keep things moving. from Final Space, and Iron Man, Captain America, Colossus, Juggernaut, MODOK and Sentinels from Super Hero Squad, as well as several voices in Uncle Grandpa, Codename: Kids Next Door and Talking Tom and Friends. He also voiced Teslo, Seismo, and Flain in Mixels.Adventure Time was never at a loss for memorable characters. He has also done Wheelie and Skids from Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, Spyro the Dragon in Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!, Spyro: Year of the Dragon, and Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly, Cupid in The Fairly OddParents!, Nute Gunray in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Raimundo Pedrosa from Xiaolin Showdown, Gibson from Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go, H.U.E. Tom Kenny also does the voice of Doctor Two-Brains in Wordgirl, whose laugh is identical to Ice King's. He is best known for voicing SpongeBob SquarePants on the show of the same name, Dog of CatDog, Carl on Johnny Bravo, Lumpus from Camp Lazlo, Heffer Wolfe on Rocko's Modern Life, Starscream on Transformers: Animated, Eduardo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, the narrator and the Mayor of Townsville from The Powerpuff Girls, Mumbo in Teen Titans, Plastic Man from Batman: The Brave and the Bold, and Rabbit in the Disney movie Winnie the Pooh. He provides the voice of the Ice King (also as "Simon") and has done voices for numerous other characters on the show, such as Crunchy. Tom Kenny is an American actor, voice actor, and comedian. It was nominated for the following category: Best Voice Actor (male) This article was nominated in the 2021 Golden Stake Awards.

Adventure time ice king voice actor