Proxied content from gemini://yujiri.xyz/reviews/ddlc-mods/monika-before-story.gmi It also feels sexist to me since he is the only boy in the story, and the way he's villified doesn't even fully make sense. This wouldn't be that bad in a vacuum, but the DDLC community already has a serious problem with unjustified hate toward MC (which you can see in the popularity of MC-hating mods like A Brand New Day and Shattered Worlds). The others are fine, but Monika's is just terrible. The Monika date scene is *really* cringey.It's not quite as bad as Natsuki's weekend scene though, since it's of a less intimate nature. It has a very similar theme to what MC does in Natsuki's weekend scene: the idea that it's acceptable to continue messing with someone else's body or property when they explicitly tell you to stop, because "they're enjoying it" or "they're not serious". The scene is portrayed like there's nothing wrong with this behavior. Monika's first exclusive involves her doing something that I hope most of us would recognize as unacceptable bullying in real life: She steals MC's book and runs away with it, and doesn't stop when he asks (until he gives up on catching her).

Of course, no story is perfect, and this too has its flaws. A lot of Monika's lines had to be transferred to him, and so Monika had to get new lines, and, instead of MC hesitating to join the club, Natsuki does.